
Sept. 28, 2021

From Condoms to the Constitution (Ep. 324)

This week, comedy journalist Seth Simons joins the roundtable as they look at the week in the news, including Matthew McConaughey's potential run for the governorship of Texas, the looming debt ceiling deadline, Rachel Maddow's new MSNBC contract, and...
Sept. 20, 2021

Tom Cruise to Ted Lasso (Ep. 323)

TV producer and podcaster Sue Kolinsky returns to the roundtable to discuss the Inspiration4 space mission, Covid boosters, the USA-France kerfuffle over submarines, an the latest TikTok craze, Devious Licks.
Sept. 7, 2021

Season 7 Premier (Ep. 322)

The guys return for their seventh season of podcasts with a look at the new Texas abortion law, the Afghanistan pullout, and their predictions for the upcoming California gubenatorial recall election.
Sept. 2, 2021

A Fairer Assessment of the Afghan Pullout (Ep. 321)

In this episode, Kevin methodically deconstructs the true facts of Biden's Afghanistan pullout and shows the blatant lies in the right wing's unfairly critical narrative. Then he takes a dispassionate look at his adopted state of Texas in the wake of...
Aug. 16, 2021

Backstage Banter (Ep. 320)

In this "backstage" episode, actor Kenan Heppe returns with an after-the-podcast chat that covers aspects of his personal journey, including helping his father battle cancer, his love of piano and classical music, and more on what it's like to be a...
Aug. 9, 2021

Season Finale (Ep. 319)

This week, financial pro Suzanne Robinson joins Kevin, Greg and Ward for the final MPU episode of the 2020-2021 season. Topics include the Andrew Cuomo scandal, Covid myths, taxing the bitcoin industry, and the ongoing tension between the more...
Aug. 2, 2021

Rightwing Bile for Biles (Ep. 318)

This week the MPU gang talks with podcaster Cailet Kovach, host of "The Dead Don't Lie" podcast, as they talk about the rightwing attack campaign against Olympian Simone Biles, Covid booster shots, Scarlett Johansson suing Disney, and Hunter Biden's...
July 26, 2021

Cleveland, Clapton and Chocolate M&Ms (Ep. 317)

This week Greg and Kevin are joined by entrpreneur Linda Norrie as they look at the start of the summer Olympics, the new name for the (old) Cleveland Indians, Covid vaccine mandates on college campuses, and what everyone is binging on for summer...
July 19, 2021

A Lens Into China (Ep. 316)

This week, actor Kenan Heppe talks about his experience as an American living and working in China for the last four years. Other topics include Cuba, living under communism, new sports in the summer Olympics, the controversy over disqualifying...
July 12, 2021

Billionaires in Space (Ep. 315)

This podcast looks at Sir Richard Branson's quick but expensive voyage into space and the United States's long and expensive voyage in Afghanistan. Then we turn our attention to the tenuous situation in Haiti, ranked choice voting in the New York City...
July 5, 2021

What Does It Mean To Be Patriotic In America (Ep. 314)

On this Fourth of July episode, the guys discuss patriotism in America today, then look at justice in America through the lenses of the Cosby verdict and the indictments of Allen Weisselberg and the Trump Organization.
June 28, 2021

The Empire Air Strikes Back (Ep. 313)

Comedian Sue Kolinsky returns to the MPU roundtable to discuss the week in politics and pop culture, including discussions about NFL star Carl Nassib coming out and Britney Spears coming somewhat normal.
June 21, 2021

Batman in the Bedroom (Ep. 312)

This week producer Robyn Rosenfeld returns as the panel discusses Biden's rift with the Catholic Church, Bill Maher's rift with millennials, and Batman's X rated tryst with Catwoman.
June 14, 2021

Virtual Intimacy (Ep. 311)

This week, Kevin and Greg are joined once again by comedian Lily Khuu and first-time guest Eric Robinson, an associate professor of psychology at Baylor University, as the gang discusses everything from critical race theory to the Pentagon Papers to...
June 7, 2021

Fast & Furious About Taiwan (Ep. 310)

In this compilation episode the MPU gang talks about the controversy over Fast & Furious actor John Cena's comments about Taiwan and other news stories knocking around in the zeitgeist.
May 31, 2021

The One With The Friends Reunion (Ep. 309)

Asian-Latina American comedian Lily Khuu joins the round table again for a lively discussion about the Friends reunion TV special and other events in the news this week.
May 24, 2021

The Disinformation Highway (Ep. 308)

This week documentary producer Robyn Rosenfeld joins the gang to discuss misinformation, disinformation, and the global war on science. Other topics include President Obama's talk show hints about UFOs, and Rick Santorum getting fired from CNN.
May 17, 2021

The Great Unmasking (Ep. 307)

This episode introduces comedian Lily Khuu, a queer, multicultural, millennial who is hell-bent on providing more unique and relevant voices to the current pop culture climate. Lily and the guys discuss the latest CDC mask guidance, the wisdom of the...
May 10, 2021

Elon's Comin' Hide Your Heart Girl (Ep. 306)

This week the gang looks at Elon's Musk's turn as the host of SNL, the decision to keep Trump banned from Facebook, and whether the Biden infrastructure bill can be passed in its present form.
May 3, 2021

First Hundred Days and Years (Ep. 305)

This week the MPU hosts are joined by comedian Emily Galati in a wide-ranging conversation that covers life expectancy, the first hundred days of the Biden administration, Elizabeth Warren's new book, and the metamorphosis of the television sitcom.
April 19, 2021

Do Not Buy His Book! (Ep. 304)

This week's episode covers Bernie Madoff's legacy, John Boehner's book tour, and the twin pandemics of covid-19 and mass shootings.
April 12, 2021

The Whitest Hip Hop Episode Ever (Ep. 303)

This week the podcasters look at the week in the news, including the passing of DMX and the legacy of his music, the passing of Prince Phillip, the rights of transgender athletes, and how royalties and publishing rights have changed the music industry.
April 5, 2021

Bewitched vs. I Dream Of Jeannie (Ep. 302)

This week the guys talk about classic TV shows as well as current events involving Matt Gaetz, the Biden infrastructure plan, the MLB all-star game boycott of Georgia, the death of G. Gordon Liddy, and how to kill a man with a pencil. (Ooops!)
March 29, 2021

Roaring Twenties (Ep. 301)

This week the MPU gang looks at Donald Trump's return to the public eye, the sad uptick in mass shootings, Republican attempts at voter suppression, and what it all portends for the 2020s and beyond.